
Common name: Lissoclinum

Scientific name: Lissoclinum

Lissoclinum is a genus of bryozoans, commonly known as sea mats or moss animals, which are colonial invertebrates. They are not typically kept in reef aquariums due to their potential to overgrow other sessile organisms. However, they are fascinating for their intricate colonial structures and could be of interest to advanced hobbyists with species-specific systems. They form encrusting or erect colonies and can be found in a variety of marine environments.

  1. Vibrant boulder beneath seaweed overhead With copyspace for text
    Common name: Blue Encrusting Sponge
    Scientific name: Lissoclinum bistratum
  2. Sea squirts, tunicates, or ascidians living on the reef
    Common name: Blue Tunicate
    Scientific name: Lissoclinum patella
  3. Common name: Blue Velvet Sea Squirt
    Scientific name: Lissoclinum reginum