
Common name: Nerite Snails

Scientific name: Neritina

Neritina is a genus of small to medium-sized, often colorful, freshwater and marine snails commonly known as Nerite Snails. They are highly sought after in the reefkeeping hobby for their algae-eating habits, helping to keep aquariums clean. These snails are known for their hardy nature and ability to adapt to a range of salinities, making them suitable for both freshwater and saltwater tanks. They are also appreciated for their interesting patterns and shell shapes, which add aesthetic value to the tank.

  1. Common name: virgin nerite
    Scientific name: Neritina virginea
  2. The red racer snail (Vittina waigiensis), the world most beautiful and rarest aquatic snail. Not only are they rare, but they are dazzling and mesmerizing with their patterns and vibrant colors.
    Common name: Nerite Snail
    Scientific name: Neritina waigiensis