
Common name: Blennies

Scientific name: Parablennius

Parablennius is a genus of blennies, commonly known as Combtooth Blennies, found in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. These small, active fish are known for their distinctive comb-like teeth and curious behavior. They often inhabit rocky crevices and are adept at clinging to surfaces in turbulent waters. In the aquarium, they require plenty of hiding places and a mature tank with algae growth to graze on. They are generally peaceful but can be territorial with their own kind.

  1. Tompot Blenny (Parablennius Gattorugine), Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
    Common name: Tompot blenny
    Scientific name: Parablennius gattorugine
  2. Primer plano de pez Blenio
    Common name: Redlip Blenny
    Scientific name: Parablennius goreensis
  3. Mystery blenny fish, Parablennius incognitus, Vermilion Coast, Mediterranean sea, France
    Common name: Molly Miller Blenny
    Scientific name: Parablennius incognitus
  4. Male Peacock blenny (Salaria pavo)
    Common name: crested blenny
    Scientific name: Parablennius laticlavius
  5. Seaweed Blenny, Parablennius marmoreus
    Common name: seaweed blenny
    Scientific name: Parablennius marmoreus
  6. Rock pool blenny (Parablennius parvicornis) in tide pool in Gran Canaria, Spain
    Common name: Rock-pool blenny
    Scientific name: Parablennius parvicornis
  7. Male Fringe blenny (Parablennius pilicornis) in Mediterranean Sea
    Common name: Ringneck blenny
    Scientific name: Parablennius pilicornis
  8. White blenny Parablennius rouxi
    Common name: longstriped blenny
    Scientific name: Parablennius rouxi
  9. Zwergspitz Kopf Schleimfisch
    Common name: Portuguese blenny
    Scientific name: Parablennius ruber
  10. A Galapagos Islands Sally Lightfoot crab on a rock.
    Common name: Sally Lightfoot Crab
    Scientific name: Parablennius salensis
  11. The rusty blenny or Black Sea blenny , Parablennius sanguinolentus.
    Common name: Rusty blenny
    Scientific name: Parablennius sanguinolentus
  12. Chilean Mussel Blenny
    Common name: Mussel Blenny
    Scientific name: Parablennius sierraensis
  13. A blenny in it's natural habitat
    Common name: Tentacled blenny
    Scientific name: Parablennius tentacularis
  14. Parablennius zvonimiri - Zvonimir's blenny. Blenny fish.Canaklale Türkiye
    Common name: zoanimir's blenny
    Scientific name: Parablennius zvonimiri