
Common name: Waspfish

Scientific name: Paracentropogon

Paracentropogon is a genus of fish known commonly as waspfish, belonging to the family Tetrarogidae. These small, intriguing fish are known for their venomous spines and cryptic appearance, which helps them blend into their surroundings. Waspfish are nocturnal predators, feeding on small crustaceans and fish. They are relatively hardy in captivity but require a well-structured aquarium with plenty of hiding places. Their unique look and behavior make them an interesting choice for experienced aquarists looking to add a touch of the unusual to their reef or fish-only tanks.

  1. Long-Spined Waspfish  Paracentropogon longispinis
    Common name: Wispy waspfish
    Scientific name: Paracentropogon longispinis