
Common name: Flowerpot Coral

Scientific name: Phyllodiscus

Phyllodiscus is a genus of corals known commonly as Flowerpot Corals, named for their resemblance to a bunch of flowers in a pot. These corals are part of the family Alcyoniidae and are popular in the reefkeeping hobby for their vibrant colors and unique growth form. They host a variety of symbiotic relationships, notably with zooxanthellae, which are photosynthetic algae providing nutrients to the coral. Flowerpot Corals require moderate to high lighting and water flow to thrive, and they can be sensitive to changes in water quality, making them more suitable for experienced aquarists.

  1. coral or anemone glowing under blacklight, glow fluorescent at night
    Common name: Night anemone
    Scientific name: Phyllodiscus semoni