
Common name: Sea Whip

Scientific name: Pterogorgia

Pterogorgia is a genus of gorgonian sea whips found in shallow waters, often in reef environments. These colonial organisms are known for their tree-like structure, with branches that can be flat, ribbon-like, or cylindrical. They possess symbiotic algae called zooxanthellae, which aid in their nutrition through photosynthesis. Pterogorgia species are popular in the reefkeeping hobby for their unique appearance and the dynamic structure they add to aquascapes. They require moderate to strong water flow and lighting to thrive, and are generally considered moderate in care level.

  1. Soft coral Pterogorgia anceps in the Rosario Islands National Natural Park
    Common name: angular sea whip
    Scientific name: Pterogorgia anceps
  2. Yellow colorful sea whip soft coral (Leptogorgia virgulata) in the Atlantic Ocean surf, washing up on a South Carolina beach
    Common name: yellow sea whip
    Scientific name: Pterogorgia citrina