
Common name: Zebra Nerites

Scientific name: Puperita Gray, 1857

The genus Puperita, commonly referred to as Zebra Nerites, is a group of small, strikingly patterned marine snails that are popular among saltwater aquarists. These snails are named for their distinctive black-and-white striped shells, which resemble the pattern of a zebra. Found in tropical and subtropical regions, they inhabit intertidal zones, mangroves, and estuaries, where they graze on algae and biofilm. Their small size, usually no larger than 1.5 cm, makes them an excellent choice for nano and small aquariums, as well as larger reef tanks.

Zebra Nerites are highly valued for their algae-eating capabilities, making them a natural and efficient way to control algae growth in aquariums. They are peaceful and compatible with a wide range of tank mates, including fish, corals, and other invertebrates. However, they are known to occasionally climb out of tanks, so aquarists should ensure their aquarium is securely covered. These snails are also sensitive to poor water quality, so maintaining stable parameters, particularly salinity and pH, is crucial for their health.

In the wild, Puperita species are often found in brackish water environments, but they adapt well to fully marine conditions in captivity. They require a diet rich in algae, and supplemental feeding with algae wafers or blanched vegetables can be provided if natural algae growth is insufficient. Their unique appearance and utility in algae control make them a favorite among aquarists looking to add both functionality and aesthetic appeal to their tanks.

  1. Zebra Nerites (Puperita pupa)
    Common name: Zebra Nerite
    Scientific name: Puperita pupa