
Common name: Scorpionfish

Scientific name: Scorpaenodes

Scorpaenodes is a genus of fish within the family Scorpaenidae, commonly known as scorpionfish. These fish are known for their venomous spines, cryptic appearance, and ability to blend into their surroundings, making them masters of camouflage. They inhabit tropical and subtropical reefs and are often found hiding among rocks or coral. While beautiful and intriguing, they require careful handling due to their venomous nature. In the aquarium, they need a well-structured environment with plenty of hiding places and a diet of meaty foods.

  1. Common name: Guam scorpionfish
    Scientific name: Scorpaenodes guamensis
  2. Common name: Blotchfin scorpionfish
    Scientific name: Scorpaenodes varipinnis