
Common name: Cushion Star Sponge

Scientific name: Spirastrella

Spirastrella is a genus of marine sponges known for their hardy nature and cushion-like appearance, making them a unique addition to reef aquariums. They are characterized by their star-shaped spicules, which give them a distinctive texture. These sponges are filter feeders, helping to maintain water quality by consuming bacteria and particulate organic matter. They require moderate to high water flow and some exposure to light, although they are not as light-dependent as photosynthetic corals. Spirastrella species are generally non-aggressive and can coexist with a variety of tank mates.

  1. Texture, background of a red sponge for washing dishes or showering close up, macro
    Common name: Red Sponge
    Scientific name: Spirastrella coccinea
  2. Encrusting sponge or orange vented sponge (Spirastrella cunctatrix) undersea, Aegean Sea, Greece, Halkidiki
    Common name: Red Sponge
    Scientific name: Spirastrella cunctatrix