
Common name: Suberites sponges

Scientific name: Suberites

Suberites is a genus of marine sponges found in a variety of colors and shapes, often encrusting or massive. They are known for their hardy nature and ability to filter large volumes of water, making them beneficial for nutrient control in aquariums. Suberites species can host symbiotic microorganisms, contributing to their diverse coloration. They require moderate water flow and some species may produce bioactive compounds with potential pharmaceutical applications.

  1. Fleshy horny sponge (Suberites carnosus) in Etang de Thau (France)
    Common name: Orange Puffball Sponge
    Scientific name: Suberites carnosus
  2. Orange Suberites Ficus Sea Sponge Underwater, County Dublin
    Common name: sea orange
    Scientific name: Suberites ficus