
Common name: Pikachu Nudibranch

Scientific name: Thecacera

The genus Thecacera includes a group of colorful and striking sea slugs, commonly known as Pikachu Nudibranchs due to their resemblance to the popular Pokémon character. These nudibranchs are known for their vibrant colors and intricate patterns, which serve as a warning to predators about their toxicity. They are found in various oceanic regions and are a fascinating addition to any reef aquarium that can cater to their specific dietary and environmental needs. Hobbyists should note that they feed on specific types of sponges and tunicates, making them a more challenging species to keep.

  1. A Thecacera picta nudibranch crawling on soft corals Dauin Philippines
    Common name: Painted Thecacera
    Scientific name: Thecacera picta