
Common name: Sun Coral

Scientific name: Tubastraea

Tubastraea, commonly known as Sun Coral, Cup Coral, or Tube Coral, is a genus of large-polyped stony corals. These corals are non-photosynthetic and rely on capturing plankton and other small food particles from the water column. They are known for their bright, often yellow or orange, tubular flowers that extend from the stony base. Tubastraea species are popular in the reef aquarium hobby due to their unique appearance and feeding behavior. However, they require dedicated feeding regimes as they do not benefit from light like photosynthetic corals. They are best suited for experienced aquarists who can provide the necessary care and attention.

  1. Orange Sun Coral - Tubastraea Faulkneri (Dendrophylliidae) daytime version
    Common name: Sun Coral
    Scientific name: Tubastraea faulkneri
  2. Schwarze Kelchkoralle - Tubastraea micranthus
    Common name: Black Sun Coral
    Scientific name: Tubastraea micranthus