
Common name: Sea Urchins

Scientific name: Spatangoida

Spatangoida, commonly known as heart urchins, are a group of burrowing sea urchins found in soft substrates. Unlike their spherical relatives, they have a distinct heart-shaped form and move through the substrate using their spines as stilts. In reef aquariums, they can help turn over and aerate the sand bed, contributing to a cleaner and more balanced environment. However, they require careful consideration as they can disturb some sediments and sensitive inhabitants.

  1. Sand dollar and shell lying on the beach
    Common name: Lesser Sand Dollar
    Scientific name: Brissus latecarinatus
  2. Common name: groove burrowing urchin
    Scientific name: Brissus unicolor
  3. Skeleton, known as a test, of Heart Urchin Echinocardium Cordatum on sand
    Common name: sea-potato
    Scientific name: Echinocardium cordatum
  4. Heart urchin, Echinocardium cordatum, Raja Ampat Indonesia.
    Common name: Heart Urchin
    Scientific name: Lovenia elongata
  5. Test (hard shell) of red heart urchin or cake urchin, large heart urchin (Meoma ventricosa) undersea, Caribbean Sea, Cuba, Playa Cueva de los peces
    Common name: West Indian Sea Egg
    Scientific name: Meoma ventricosa
  6. Starry Blenny (Salarias ramosus)
    Common name: Starry Blenny
    Scientific name: Metalia spatagus
  7. Purple Urchin on a Rock
    Common name: Purple heart urchin
    Scientific name: Spatangus purpureus