
Common name: Fern Caulerpa

Scientific name: Caulerpa chemnitzia J.V.Lamououx, 1809 (Esper)

General information

Caulerpa chemnitzia, commonly known as Fern Caulerpa, is a species of green macroalgae that is popular among reef aquarium hobbyists for its attractive fern-like appearance. This species is part of the Caulerpaceae family and is known for its fast growth and ability to absorb excess nutrients from the water, which can help in controlling algae blooms.


S.G. 1.023 to 1.027
22 to 28 °C (72 to 82 °F)
pH 8 to 8.4
Care level
Moderate to easy Prune regularly to manage growth.


  1. Kingdom
  2. Phylum
    Green Algae
  3. Class
    Green Algae
  4. Order
    Green Hair Algae
  5. Family
  6. Genus
  7. Species
    Fern Caulerpa
    Caulerpa chemnitzia J.V.Lamououx, 1809 (Esper)
  8. Synonyms
    Ahnfeldtia chemnitzia Trevisan, 1849 (Esper)
    Ahnfeltia peltata Trevisan (J.V.Lamouroux)
    Caulerpa chamnitzia occidentalis J.Agardh, 1873
    Caulerpa chemnitzia occidentalis J.Agardh
    Caulerpa chemnitzia peltata Zanardini, 1858 (J.V.Lamouroux)
    Caulerpa clavifera turbinata J.Agardh, 1837
    Caulerpa imbricata G.Murray, 1887
    Caulerpa laetevirens Montagne, 1842
    Caulerpa peltata J.V.Lamouroux, 1809
    Caulerpa peltata imbricata Weber-van Bosse, 1898 (G.Murray)
    Caulerpa peltata umbricata Weber Bosse (Kjellm.)
    Caulerpa racemosa occidentalis Nizamuddin, 1964 (J.Agardh)
    Caulerpa racemosa turbinata Weber-van Bosse, 1898 (J.Agardh)
    Caulerpa racemosa imbricata Eubank, 1946 (Kjellman)
    Caulerpa racemosa laetevirens Weber-van Bosse, 1898 (Montagne)
    Caulerpa racemosa occidentalis Børgesen, 1907 (J.Agardh)
    Caulerpa racemosa peltata Eubank, 1944 (J.V.Lamouroux)
    Caulerpa racemosa turbinata Eubank, 1946 (J.Agardh)
    Chauvinia chemnitzia Kützing, 1849 (Esper)


Fern Caulerpa is relatively easy to maintain but requires some attention to prevent it from overgrowing and potentially overtaking the tank. It thrives under moderate to high lighting and can benefit from the addition of trace elements and nutrients. Regular pruning is recommended to keep its growth in check and to prevent it from shading other inhabitants of the aquarium.


While not hosting a wide range of symbiotic relationships like corals or anemones, Fern Caulerpa can provide a habitat for small invertebrates and fish fry, offering them protection and a place to forage for food.


In the wild, Caulerpa chemnitzia is found in tropical and subtropical oceans around the world. It typically grows in shallow waters, often attaching to rocks or dead coral where it forms dense mats or meadows. These areas provide shelter and food for a variety of marine life.