
108 species

Macroalgae, often referred to as marine algae, are a diverse group of photosynthetic organisms found in saltwater environments. They can be an excellent addition to a reef aquarium, offering both aesthetic appeal and functional benefits. Macroalgae come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, ranging from the bright green of Chaetomorpha to the deep reds of Gracilaria. These algae play a crucial role in nutrient export, helping to control nitrate and phosphate levels in the aquarium, which can prevent unwanted algae blooms.

One of the main advantages of keeping macroalgae is their ability to provide a natural habitat and food source for various marine species. For example, copepods and amphipods often thrive in macroalgae, offering a natural food source for fish and invertebrates. Additionally, macroalgae can contribute to the overall health of the aquarium by stabilizing pH levels through photosynthesis, especially during the light cycle.

When introducing macroalgae to your aquarium, it's essential to consider the specific needs of the species you choose. Most macroalgae require moderate to high lighting and good water flow to thrive. Some species may also need supplementation with trace elements like iron. Regular pruning is necessary to prevent overgrowth and ensure that the macroalgae continue to provide their beneficial effects without becoming a nuisance.

Popular types of macroalgae for reef aquariums include Chaetomorpha, Caulerpa, Gracilaria, and Halimeda. Each has its unique requirements and benefits, making them suitable for different types of aquarium setups. Whether you're looking to enhance the visual appeal of your tank or improve its ecological balance, macroalgae can be a valuable addition to your marine ecosystem.

  1. Beautiful Acetabularia sp. blooming underwater. These unicellular organism are also known as Mermaid's Wineglass and looks like tiny umbrella on sea bed
    Common name: Mermaid's Wineglass
    Scientific name: Acetabularia crenulata
  2. Common name: Manila Grass
    Scientific name: Actinotrichia fragilis
  3. Red algae Amphiroa cryptarthrodia close-up undersea, Aegean Sea, Greece, Halkidiki
    Common name: Cryptic Branching Coralline Algae
    Scientific name: Amphiroa cryptarthrodia
  4. Common name: Lime Green Algae
    Scientific name: Amphiroa fragilissima
  5. Close up of Red Algae (Asparagopsis Taxiformis) with blue ocean in the background. Underwater flora at El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain.
    Common name: Red asparagus algae
    Scientific name: Asparagopsis taxiformis
  6. Common name: Green Felt Algae
    Scientific name: Avrainvillea nigricans
  7. Common name: Boodlea composita
    Scientific name: Boodlea composita
  8. Red Grape Algae (Botryocladia botryoides)
    Common name: Red Grape Algae
    Scientific name: Botryocladia botryoides
  9. Common name: Botryocladia pseudodichotoma
    Scientific name: Botryocladia pseudodichotoma
  10. Common name: Botryocladia Skottsbergii
    Scientific name: Botryocladia skottsbergii
  11. Chopsticks with Umi-budou Seaweed or sea grapes ( green caviar ) seaweed
    Common name: Grape Caulerpa
    Scientific name: Botryocladia uvaria
  12. Common name: hen pen
    Scientific name: Bryopsis plumosa
  13. Common name: Caulerpa brachypus
    Scientific name: Caulerpa brachypus
  14. Common name: Fern Caulerpa
    Scientific name: Caulerpa chemnitzia
  15. Common name: Caulerpa floridana
    Scientific name: Caulerpa floridana
  16. Caulerpa prolifera in refugium system for saltwater coral reef aquarium tank
    Common name: Mexican Caulerpa
    Scientific name: Caulerpa mexicana
  17. Common name: Caulerpa nummularia
    Scientific name: Caulerpa nummularia
  18. Common name: Caulerpa Paspaloides
    Scientific name: Caulerpa paspaloides
  19. Caulerpa prolifera in refugium system for saltwater coral reef aquarium tank
    Common name: Leafy caulerpa
    Scientific name: Caulerpa prolifera
  20. Common name: Razor Caulerpa
    Scientific name: Caulerpa scalpelliformis
  21. green antler shaped seaweed (Cauleroa serrulata) isolated on white.
    Common name: Sawblade Caulerpa
    Scientific name: Caulerpa serrulata
  22. Common name: Feather Algae
    Scientific name: Caulerpa sertularioides
  23. Common name: Killer alga
    Scientific name: Caulerpa taxifolia
  24. Red algae or seaweed branch isolated transparent png
    Common name: Red Algae
    Scientific name: Centroceras clavulatum
  25. A species of algae, the Latin name Chaetomorpha, a beautiful green structure composed of fine fibers laid on sand
    Common name: Chaeto
    Scientific name: Chaetomorpha aerea
  26. Chaeto (Chaetomorpha linum)
    Common name: Chaeto
    Scientific name: Chaetomorpha linum
  27. Common name: Turtle Weed
    Scientific name: Chlorodesmis fastigiata
  28. Common name: Green Hair Algae
    Scientific name: Cladophora herpestica
  29. Green bush macroalgae (Cladophora prolifera) undersea, Aegean Sea, Greece, Halkidiki
    Common name: Green Hair Algae
    Scientific name: Cladophora prolifera
  30. Common green branched weed or rock-weed (Cladophora rupestris) close-up undersea, Aegean Sea, Greece, Halkidiki
    Common name: rock-weed
    Scientific name: Cladophora rupestris
  31. Velvet horn or spongeweed seaweed isolated transparent png. Codium tomentosum green alga branch.
    Common name: Velvet Horn
    Scientific name: Codium adhaerens
  32. Common name: Codium arabicum
    Scientific name: Codium arabicum
  33. Common name: Green Fleece Algae
    Scientific name: Codium decorticatum
  34. Common name: Green Felt Algae
    Scientific name: Codium edule
  35. Dead Man's Fingers (Codium fragile)
    Common name: Dead Man's Fingers
    Scientific name: Codium fragile
  36. Common name: Green Felt Algae
    Scientific name: Codium intertextum
  37. Common name: Green Felt Algae
    Scientific name: Codium vermilara
  38. Common name: Derbesia
    Scientific name: Derbesia marina
  39. micro green acetabularia algae isolated on white.
    Common name: Mermaid's Wine Glass
    Scientific name: Dichotomaria apiculata
  40. White scroll alga (Padina jamaicensis) on the on the reef off the Dutch Caribbean island of Sint Maarten
    Common name: Scroll Algae
    Scientific name: Dichotomaria marginata
  41. Green algae Dictyosphaeria cavernosa undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh, Nabq Bay
    Common name: Green Bubble Algae
    Scientific name: Dictyosphaeria cavernosa
  42. Common name: Dictyota bartayresiana
    Scientific name: Dictyota bartayresiana
  43. Colorful algae Dictyota dichotoma with Ceramium Sp. underwater in the Mediterranean sea, Spain
    Common name: forkweed
    Scientific name: Dictyota dichotoma
  44. Green seaweed, Flabellia petiolata, in competition with invasive seaweed, Caulerpa recemosa, Gokova Bay Turkey
    Common name: Green Fern Algae
    Scientific name: Flabellia petiolata
  45. Spiral Wrack (Fucus spiralis) seaweed exposed at low tide
    Common name: An Chasfheamainn
    Scientific name: Fucus spiralis
  46. Bl Bladderwrack, Fucus vesiculosus
    Common name: Bladder Wrack
    Scientific name: Fucus vesiculosus
  47. Red algae (Gelidium sesquipedale ) on the beach
    Common name: Gelidium Seaweed
    Scientific name: Gelidium microdon
  48. Common name: Dwarf Red Algae
    Scientific name: Gelidium pusillum
  49. Common name: Red Seaweed
    Scientific name: Gelidium spinosum
  50. Red ogo gracilaria red algae plant on a beach among seashells
    Common name: Gracilaria
    Scientific name: Gracilaria curtissiae
  51. Common name: Warty gracilaria
    Scientific name: Gracilaria gracilis
  52. Red algae or seaweed branch isolated transparent png
    Common name: Red Algae
    Scientific name: Gracilaria parvispora
  53. Common name: Ogo
    Scientific name: Gracilaria salicornia
  54. Common name: Gracilaria tikvahiae
    Scientific name: Gracilaria tikvahiae
  55. Common name: Halimeda copiosa
    Scientific name: Halimeda copiosa
  56. Coral reef (Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands)
    Common name: Halimeda Algae
    Scientific name: Halimeda discoidea
  57. Hawaiian Halimeda plant
    Common name: Halimeda Plant
    Scientific name: Halimeda incrassata
  58. Common name: Large leaf coralline algae
    Scientific name: Halimeda macroloba
  59. Common name: Halimeda Micronesica
    Scientific name: Halimeda micronesica
  60. Green macroalgae
    Common name: Halimeda opuntia
    Scientific name: Halimeda opuntia
  61. Calcareous green alga (Halimeda tuna) close-up undersea, Aegean Sea, Greece, Thasos island
    Common name: Calcareous Green Seaweed
    Scientific name: Halimeda tuna
  62. Sea lettuce
    Common name: Red Sea Lettuce
    Scientific name: Halymenia duchassaingii
  63. green algae of different shades forming a solid background
    Common name: Dragon's Tongue Algae
    Scientific name: Halymenia floresii
  64. green algae of different shades forming a solid background
    Common name: Dragon's Tongue Algae
    Scientific name: Halymenia floridana
  65. Common name: Hydrolithon boergesenii
    Scientific name: Hydrolithon boergesenii
  66. Common name: Dragon's Breath
    Scientific name: Hypnea musciformis
  67. Common name: Hypnea Spinella
    Scientific name: Hypnea spinella
  68. Marine algae Slender-beaded coral weed (Jania rubens) undersea, Aegean Sea, Greece, Halkidiki
    Common name: Jania rubens
    Scientific name: Jania rubens
  69. Seaweed or Laminaria lies on the sand by the ocean, Kunashir Island
    Common name: Oarweed
    Scientific name: Laminaria digitata
  70. Encrusting coralline algae (Lithophyllum incrustans) and orange-red boring sponge (Cliona carteri) undersea, Aegean Sea, Greece, Halkidiki
    Common name: An encrusting coralline alga
    Scientific name: Lithophyllum incrustans
  71. The underwater kelp forests off San Clemente Island in California's Channel Islands are some of the most beautiful in the world.
    Common name: giant kelp
    Scientific name: Macrocystis pyrifera
  72. The coralline algae attached on rock at sea bottom
    Common name: Coralline Algae
    Scientific name: Mesophyllum mesomorphum
  73. A healthy pond with plants and algae
    Common name: Green Cactus Algae
    Scientific name: Neomeris annulata
  74. Nitophyllum punctatum seaweed isolated transparent png. Spotted scarf weed algae.
    Common name: Red Ribbion Seaweed
    Scientific name: Nitophyllum punctatum
  75. Brown algae of the genus Padina Pavonica on the rock after low tide.
    Common name: Peacock's Tail
    Scientific name: Padina australis
  76. Marine life, Liuqiu island, Taiwan
    Common name: Funnelweed
    Scientific name: Padina gymnospora
  77. Algae Padina pavonica underwater in the Atlantic ocean, Spain, Galicia
    Common name: Peacock's Tail
    Scientific name: Padina pavonica
  78. Yellow seahorse attached to a marine plant
    Common name: Shaving Brush Alga
    Scientific name: Penicillus capitatus
  79. Green algae shaving brush (Penicillus dumetosus) undersea, Caribbean Sea, Cuba, Playa Cueva de los peces
    Common name: Mermaid's Wine Glass
    Scientific name: Penicillus dumetosus
  80. Sea lettuce
    Common name: Red Sea Lettuce
    Scientific name: Platoma gelatinosum
  81. Common name: Polysiphonia elongata
    Scientific name: Polysiphonia elongata
  82. Red algae or seaweed branch isolated transparent png
    Common name: Red Algae
    Scientific name: Pyropia leucosticta
  83. red sea grapes seaweed isolated on white background.
    Common name: Red Grape Algae
    Scientific name: Rhodymenia holmesii
  84. Red seaweed rhodymenia pseudopalmata isolated transparent png. Leafy red algae.
    Common name: Dulse
    Scientific name: Rhodymenia pseudopalmata
  85. Common name: Sargassum filipendula
    Scientific name: Sargassum filipendula
  86. Brown Sargassum fluitans sea macroalgae
    Common name: Gulfweed
    Scientific name: Sargassum fluitans
  87. A rare Sargassum Shrimp. Underwater macro world of Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia.
    Common name: Sargassum Shrimp
    Scientific name: Sargassum hystrix
  88. Common name: Sargassum johnstonii
    Scientific name: Sargassum johnstonii
  89. Common name: gulf weed
    Scientific name: Sargassum natans
  90. Common name: Sargassum polyphyllum
    Scientific name: Sargassum polyphyllum
  91. Brown algae
    Common name: Gulfweed
    Scientific name: Sargassum sinicola
  92. Ramo di alga Sargassum vulgare con vescicole
    Common name: Sargassum Weed
    Scientific name: Sargassum vulgare
  93. Common name: Scinaia complanata
    Scientific name: Scinaia complanata
  94. Solieria robusta isolated on black background
    Common name: Red Algae
    Scientific name: Solieria robusta
  95. Common name: Peacock's Tail
    Scientific name: Stypopodium zonale
  96. Common name: Red Mangrove
    Scientific name: Tricleocarpa cylindrica
  97. Common name: Mermaid's Fan
    Scientific name: Udotea flabellum
  98. Common name: Mermaid's Fan
    Scientific name: Udotea spinulosa
  99. Thickets of macroalga Ulva intestinalis. The underwater part of the rock rock, covered with algae and illuminated by the sun.
    Common name: Gutweed
    Scientific name: Ulva intestinalis
  100. green seaweed ulva lactuca algae swing underwater with bubbles.
    Common name: Green Laver
    Scientific name: Ulva lactuca
  101. Common name: Sea Lettuce
    Scientific name: Ulva linza
  102. Sea lettuce
    Common name: Sea Lettuce
    Scientific name: Ulva prolifera
  103. Ulva rigida, sea lettuce isolated on black background.
    Common name: Sea Lettuce
    Scientific name: Ulva rigida
  104. Ball-shaped seaweed. Valonia or Elongated sea pearls (Valonia macrophysa Kützing). Owase, Mie, Japan
    Common name: Bubble Algae
    Scientific name: Valonia macrophysa
  105. Sea tube (Valonia utricularis) in Mediterranean Sea
    Common name: Bubble Algae
    Scientific name: Valonia utricularis
  106. Bunch of green sea algae
    Common name: Bubble Algae
    Scientific name: Valoniopsis pachynema
  107. Unicellular organisms Bubble algae, Sea grape, Sailor's eyeballs (Valonia ventricos) on hand corals, Red sea, Safaga, Egypt
    Common name: Sailor's Eyeball
    Scientific name: Ventricaria ventricosa
  108. Group of blue chromis fishes in reef aquarium
    Common name: Blue Axil Chromis
    Scientific name: Wrangelia argus