Common name: Plants
The kingdom Plantae encompasses a vast and diverse group of organisms known as plants, which are primarily characterized by their ability to perform photosynthesis—a process that converts light energy into chemical energy stored in glucose. This kingdom includes a wide range of life forms, from tiny mosses and ferns to towering trees and flowering plants. In the context of reefkeeping, plants can play a vital role in the ecosystem of a saltwater aquarium. They can help maintain water quality by absorbing excess nutrients and providing oxygen through photosynthesis, thus supporting a healthy environment for fish and invertebrates.
Marine plants, such as seagrasses and macroalgae, are particularly significant in saltwater aquariums. Seagrasses, like those from the genera Zostera and Thalassia, provide habitat and food for various marine organisms. Macroalgae, commonly referred to as seaweeds, include species such as Caulerpa and Halimeda, which are often used in refugiums to help control nitrate levels and reduce algae growth in the main display tank. These plants not only contribute to the aesthetic appeal of an aquarium but also offer hiding places and breeding grounds for fish and invertebrates.
It's important for hobbyists to research the specific needs of the plants they wish to include in their aquariums, such as lighting requirements, water flow, and compatibility with other tank inhabitants. Some plants may require additional supplements like iron or CO₂ to thrive, while others may be more resilient and low-maintenance. Understanding these requirements ensures that the plants will flourish and contribute positively to the overall health and balance of the aquarium ecosystem.
- Common name: Mermaid's WineglassScientific name: Acetabularia crenulata
- Common name: Manila GrassScientific name: Actinotrichia fragilis
- Common name: Cryptic Branching Coralline AlgaeScientific name: Amphiroa cryptarthrodia
- Common name: Lime Green AlgaeScientific name: Amphiroa fragilissima
- Common name: Red asparagus algaeScientific name: Asparagopsis taxiformis
- Common name: Green Felt AlgaeScientific name: Avrainvillea nigricans
- Common name: Boodlea compositaScientific name: Boodlea composita
- Common name: Red Grape AlgaeScientific name: Botryocladia botryoides
- Common name: Botryocladia pseudodichotomaScientific name: Botryocladia pseudodichotoma
- Common name: Botryocladia SkottsbergiiScientific name: Botryocladia skottsbergii
- Common name: Grape CaulerpaScientific name: Botryocladia uvaria
- Common name: hen penScientific name: Bryopsis plumosa
- Common name: Caulerpa brachypusScientific name: Caulerpa brachypus
- Common name: Fern CaulerpaScientific name: Caulerpa chemnitzia
- Common name: Caulerpa floridanaScientific name: Caulerpa floridana
- Common name: Mexican CaulerpaScientific name: Caulerpa mexicana
- Common name: Caulerpa nummulariaScientific name: Caulerpa nummularia
- Common name: Caulerpa PaspaloidesScientific name: Caulerpa paspaloides
- Common name: Leafy caulerpaScientific name: Caulerpa prolifera
- Common name: Razor CaulerpaScientific name: Caulerpa scalpelliformis
- Common name: Sawblade CaulerpaScientific name: Caulerpa serrulata
- Common name: Feather AlgaeScientific name: Caulerpa sertularioides
- Common name: Killer algaScientific name: Caulerpa taxifolia
- Common name: Red AlgaeScientific name: Centroceras clavulatum
- Common name: ChaetoScientific name: Chaetomorpha aerea
- Common name: ChaetoScientific name: Chaetomorpha linum
- Common name: Turtle WeedScientific name: Chlorodesmis fastigiata
- Common name: Green Hair AlgaeScientific name: Cladophora herpestica
- Common name: Green Hair AlgaeScientific name: Cladophora prolifera
- Common name: rock-weedScientific name: Cladophora rupestris
- Common name: Velvet HornScientific name: Codium adhaerens
- Common name: Codium arabicumScientific name: Codium arabicum
- Common name: Green Fleece AlgaeScientific name: Codium decorticatum
- Common name: Green Felt AlgaeScientific name: Codium edule
- Common name: Dead Man's FingersScientific name: Codium fragile
- Common name: Green Felt AlgaeScientific name: Codium intertextum
- Common name: Green Felt AlgaeScientific name: Codium vermilara
- Common name: DerbesiaScientific name: Derbesia marina
- Common name: Mermaid's Wine GlassScientific name: Dichotomaria apiculata
- Common name: Scroll AlgaeScientific name: Dichotomaria marginata
- Common name: Green Bubble AlgaeScientific name: Dictyosphaeria cavernosa
- Common name: Green Fern AlgaeScientific name: Flabellia petiolata
- Common name: Gelidium SeaweedScientific name: Gelidium microdon
- Common name: Dwarf Red AlgaeScientific name: Gelidium pusillum
- Common name: Red SeaweedScientific name: Gelidium spinosum
- Common name: GracilariaScientific name: Gracilaria curtissiae
- Common name: Warty gracilariaScientific name: Gracilaria gracilis
- Common name: Red AlgaeScientific name: Gracilaria parvispora
- Common name: OgoScientific name: Gracilaria salicornia
- Common name: Gracilaria tikvahiaeScientific name: Gracilaria tikvahiae
- Common name: Halimeda copiosaScientific name: Halimeda copiosa
- Common name: Halimeda AlgaeScientific name: Halimeda discoidea
- Common name: Halimeda PlantScientific name: Halimeda incrassata
- Common name: Large leaf coralline algaeScientific name: Halimeda macroloba
- Common name: Halimeda MicronesicaScientific name: Halimeda micronesica
- Common name: Halimeda opuntiaScientific name: Halimeda opuntia
- Common name: Calcareous Green SeaweedScientific name: Halimeda tuna
- Common name: Fine sea grassScientific name: Halodule uninervis
- Common name: Shoal GrassScientific name: Halodule wrightii
- Common name: seagrassScientific name: Halophila ovalis
- Common name: Species code: hnScientific name: Halophila spinulosa
- Common name: Red Sea LettuceScientific name: Halymenia duchassaingii
- Common name: Dragon's Tongue AlgaeScientific name: Halymenia floresii
- Common name: Dragon's Tongue AlgaeScientific name: Halymenia floridana
- Common name: Hydrolithon boergeseniiScientific name: Hydrolithon boergesenii
- Common name: Dragon's BreathScientific name: Hypnea musciformis
- Common name: Hypnea SpinellaScientific name: Hypnea spinella
- Common name: Jania rubensScientific name: Jania rubens
- Common name: white mangroveScientific name: Laguncularia racemosa
- Common name: An encrusting coralline algaScientific name: Lithophyllum incrustans
- Common name: Coralline AlgaeScientific name: Mesophyllum mesomorphum
- Common name: Green Cactus AlgaeScientific name: Neomeris annulata
- Common name: Red Ribbion SeaweedScientific name: Nitophyllum punctatum
- Common name: Parvocaulis parvulusScientific name: Parvocaulis parvulus
- Common name: Shaving Brush AlgaScientific name: Penicillus capitatus
- Common name: Mermaid's Wine GlassScientific name: Penicillus dumetosus
- Common name: Red Sea LettuceScientific name: Platoma gelatinosum
- Common name: Polysiphonia elongataScientific name: Polysiphonia elongata
- Common name: Red AlgaeScientific name: Pyropia leucosticta
- Common name: Phoenix Worm SnailScientific name: Rhipocephalus phoenix
- Common name: Red MangroveScientific name: Rhizophora mangle
- Common name: Red Grape AlgaeScientific name: Rhodymenia holmesii
- Common name: DulseScientific name: Rhodymenia pseudopalmata
- Common name: Scinaia complanataScientific name: Scinaia complanata
- Common name: Red AlgaeScientific name: Solieria robusta
- Common name: manatee grassScientific name: Syringodium filiforme
- Common name: Turtle GrassScientific name: Thalassia testudinum
- Common name: Red MangroveScientific name: Tricleocarpa cylindrica
- Common name: Mermaid's FanScientific name: Udotea flabellum
- Common name: Mermaid's FanScientific name: Udotea spinulosa
- Common name: GutweedScientific name: Ulva intestinalis
- Common name: Green LaverScientific name: Ulva lactuca
- Common name: Sea LettuceScientific name: Ulva linza
- Common name: Sea LettuceScientific name: Ulva prolifera
- Common name: Sea LettuceScientific name: Ulva rigida
- Common name: Bubble AlgaeScientific name: Valonia macrophysa
- Common name: Bubble AlgaeScientific name: Valonia utricularis
- Common name: Bubble AlgaeScientific name: Valoniopsis pachynema
- Common name: Sailor's EyeballScientific name: Ventricaria ventricosa
- Common name: Blue Axil ChromisScientific name: Wrangelia argus
- Common name: common eel-grassScientific name: Zostera marina
- Common name: dwarf eelgrassScientific name: Zostera noltii