Common name: Bubble Tip Anemone

Scientific name: Entacmaea quadricolor (Leuckart, 1828)

General Information

The Bubble Tip Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor) is a popular choice among reef aquarists due to its vibrant colors and fascinating symbiotic relationships with clownfish. Known for its bulbous tentacle tips, which can vary in color from green to rose, these anemones add a dynamic visual element to any aquarium. They are relatively hardy compared to other anemones, making them a suitable choice for intermediate hobbyists.

Bubble Tip Anemones are significant in the hobby for their role in hosting clownfish species such as the Amphiprion ocellaris and Amphiprion percula. This symbiotic relationship not only provides the clownfish with protection but also enhances the anemone's health through increased water circulation and nutrient exchange.


Estimated price
Moderate Rare color morphs can be significantly more expensive
Recommended minimum volume
100 liter (26 gallons)
S.G. 1.023 to 1.026
24 to 26 °C (75 to 79 °F)
pH 8.1 to 8.4
Average size
30 cm (1′)
Care level
Moderate to difficult
Yes Hosts clownfish, offering mutual protection and benefits
Carnivore Supplement with small shrimp or fish weekly
Yes Reef safe but may sting other sessile invertebrates
Peaceful Peaceful but can sting nearby corals and invertebrates
Captive bred


  1. Kingdom
  2. Phylum
  3. Class
  4. Order
    Sea Anemones
  5. Family
    Sea Anemones
  6. Genus
    Bubble Tip Anemone
  7. Species
    Bubble Tip Anemone
    Entacmaea quadricolor (Leuckart, 1828)
  8. Synonyms
    Actinia adhaerens Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1834
    Actinia ehrenbergii Brandt, 1835
    Actinia erythrosoma Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1834
    Actinia helianthus Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1834
    Actinia quadricolor Leuckart, 1828
    Actinia quatricolor
    Actinia vas , 1833
    Actinia vasa Quoy & Gaimard
    Anemonia adhaerens Ehrenberg
    Anemonia adherens
    Anemonia erythrosoma Ehrenberg
    Anemonia kwoiam Haddon & Shackleton, 1893
    Anemonia ramsayi (Haddon & Shackleton, 1893)
    Antheopsis carlgreni Lager, 1911
    Aulactinia gelam (Haddon & Shackleton)
    Cereactis quadricolor Leuckart
    Condylactis erythrosoma (Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1834)
    Condylactis ramsayi Haddon & Shackleton, 1893
    Corynactis quadricolor Leuckart
    Corynactis vas Quoy & Gaimard
  9. Source: GBIF | Global Biodiversity Information Facility


Bubble Tip Anemones require a well-established aquarium with stable water parameters. They prefer moderate to high lighting, as they rely on photosynthesis through their symbiotic zooxanthellae. A tank with a capacity of at least 100 liters (26 gallons) is recommended to accommodate their potential size and movement.

These anemones can move around the tank to find their preferred spot, so it's crucial to secure powerheads and other equipment to prevent injury. A gentle water flow is ideal, mimicking their natural reef environment.

Diet and Feeding

While Bubble Tip Anemones derive much of their energy from photosynthesis, they also benefit from supplemental feeding. Offer small pieces of shrimp, fish, or other meaty foods once a week. Ensure the food is appropriately sized to prevent choking or rejection.

Behavior and Compatibility

Bubble Tip Anemones are generally peaceful but can pose a threat to other sessile invertebrates due to their potent sting. They should be placed with caution in mixed reef tanks. Their symbiotic relationship with clownfish can be a highlight in a community tank, but ensure they are not housed with aggressive species that may harm the anemone.


In captivity, Bubble Tip Anemones can reproduce through a process known as "splitting," where the anemone divides into two. This can occur when the anemone is healthy and thriving or as a response to stress. Providing optimal conditions will encourage healthy reproduction.


Bubble Tip Anemones are well-known for their symbiotic relationship with clownfish. The anemone offers the fish protection with its stinging tentacles, while the clownfish provide the anemone with food scraps and increased water circulation. This mutualistic relationship is one of the most celebrated in the marine hobby.

Health and Common Issues

Bubble Tip Anemones can live for many years with proper care. Look for signs of health such as vibrant color, fully inflated tentacles, and a firm grip on surfaces. Avoid anemones that appear bleached or have a detached foot.

Common health issues include bleaching, often due to inadequate lighting or poor water quality. Regular monitoring and maintaining stable conditions can prevent such problems. Quarantine new additions to prevent the spread of pests or diseases.


In the wild, Bubble Tip Anemones are found in the Indo-Pacific region, inhabiting coral reefs and rocky crevices. They prefer well-lit areas with moderate water flow, often hosting various species of clownfish.