
Common name: Sea Lettuce

Scientific name: Ulva prolifera O.F.Müller, 1778

General information

Ulva prolifera, commonly known as Sea Lettuce, is a bright green macroalgae that is widely distributed along coastlines around the world. It is a member of the Ulvaceae family and is known for its thin, leafy sheets that resemble lettuce leaves. This species is not only important in the wild, where it serves as a food source for a variety of marine organisms, but it has also gained popularity in the reefkeeping hobby for its nutrient export capabilities and as a natural food source for herbivorous fish and invertebrates.


S.G. 1.020 to 1.025
20 to 28 °C (68 to 82 °F)
pH 8 to 8.4
Care level
Easy Fast grower, nutrient export


  1. Kingdom
  2. Phylum
    Green Algae
  3. Class
    Green Algae
  4. Order
    Green Sea Lettuce
  5. Family
    Sea Lettuce Family
  6. Genus
    Sea Lettuce
  7. Species
    Sea Lettuce
    Ulva prolifera O.F.Müller, 1778
  8. Synonyms
    Enteromorpha compressa prolifera Ahlner (O.F.Müller)
    Enteromorpha compressa prolifera Greville, 1830 (O.F.Müller)
    Enteromorpha compressa trichodes Kützing, 1845
    Enteromorpha intestinalis prolifera (O.F.Mueller)
    Enteromorpha polyclados Kützing, 1856 (Kützing)
    Enteromorpha prolifera J.Agardh, 1883 (O.F.Müller)
    Enteromorpha prolifera trichodes V.J.Chapman (Kützing)
    Enteromorpha salina Kützing, 1845
    Enteromorpha salina mareotica Hansg.
    Enteromorpha salina polyclados Kützing, 1845
    Ulva compressa prolifera C.Agardh, 1823 (O.F.Müller)
    Ulva enteromorpha prolifera Van Heurck (O.F.Müller)


Sea Lettuce is relatively easy to cultivate in a marine aquarium, thriving in a range of lighting conditions from moderate to high intensity. It prefers strong water movement to mimic its natural tidal habitat, which helps to deliver nutrients and remove waste products. Regular pruning is recommended to maintain health and prevent it from overgrowing the tank. It can absorb excess nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates, making it a valuable addition for nutrient control.


While Ulva prolifera does not have specific symbiotic relationships like those seen in corals or anemones, it does play a role in the ecosystem by providing habitat and food for small invertebrates and fish larvae. In the aquarium, it can serve as a refuge for copepods and amphipods, which are beneficial for natural food chains and overall tank health.


Ulva prolifera is found in a variety of marine environments, from intertidal zones to shallow subtidal areas. It is often seen attached to rocks, docks, or other hard substrates, but it can also exist as free-floating mats in nutrient-rich waters. This adaptability makes it a versatile species for different types of saltwater aquarium setups.