
Common name: Sea Lettuce

Scientific name: Ulva rigida C.Agardh, 1823

General information

Ulva rigida, commonly known as Sea Lettuce, is a bright green macroalgae widely found in marine environments around the world. It is a popular choice among reefkeeping hobbyists for its ease of care and benefits to the aquarium ecosystem. This species of algae is known for its sheet-like appearance and can grow quite large under optimal conditions, providing a natural and attractive look to the tank.


S.G. 1.020 to 1.025
10 to 25 °C (50 to 77 °F)
pH 8.1 to 8.4
Care level
Very easy Tolerates a wide range of conditions


  1. Kingdom
  2. Phylum
    Green Algae
  3. Class
    Green Algae
  4. Order
    Green Sea Lettuce
  5. Family
    Sea Lettuce Family
  6. Genus
    Sea Lettuce
  7. Species
    Sea Lettuce
    Ulva rigida C.Agardh, 1823
  8. Synonyms
    Letterstedtia petiolata J.Agardh, 1883
    Phycoseris gigantea perforata Kützing, 1849
    Phycoseris rigida Kützing, 1843 (C.Agardh)
    Phycoseris ulva Sonder, 1845
    Ulva armoricana P.Dion, Reviers & G.Coat, 1998
    Ulva lactuca rigida Hylmö (C.Agardh)
    Ulva lactuca rigida Hariot (C.Agardh)
    Ulva lactuca rigida Le Jolis, 1863 (C.Agardh)
    Ulva petiolata Womersley, 1956 (J.Agardh)
    Ulva scandinavica Bliding, 1969
    Ulva spathulata Papenfuss, 1960
    Ulva thuretii B.Föyn, 1955


Sea Lettuce is a hardy species that thrives in a range of lighting conditions, from moderate to high intensity. It prefers clean water with adequate flow to prevent detritus accumulation on its surfaces. Nutrient levels, particularly nitrates and phosphates, should be kept in check as Sea Lettuce can absorb these compounds, aiding in nutrient control within the aquarium. Regular pruning is recommended to maintain its size and to prevent it from overshadowing other inhabitants.


While not hosting a wide array of symbiotic relationships like some corals or anemones, Sea Lettuce can provide a habitat and food source for a variety of small invertebrates and fish. It can also be part of a refugium setup, where it helps to create a natural filtration system by absorbing excess nutrients and providing shelter for microfauna.


In the wild, Ulva rigida is commonly found in shallow, intertidal zones, and estuaries where it attaches to rocks or other hard substrates. It is a cosmopolitan species, tolerating a wide range of temperatures and salinities, which makes it adaptable to various conditions found in home aquariums.