
Common name: Chitons

Scientific name: Polyplacophora

Polyplacophora, commonly known as chitons, are a class of marine molluscs characterized by their distinctive eight-plated shell. These slow-moving grazers are found in various habitats, from intertidal zones to deep waters. Chitons are known for their ability to cling tightly to rocks, thanks to their muscular foot, and their radula, a specialized feeding structure, allows them to scrape algae off hard surfaces. They play a role in controlling algal growth in their environments. Chitons are fascinating for their sensory structures called aesthetes, which are unique among molluscs.

  1. Acanthopleura sp., tropical species of chiton, a marine molluscs on a rock
    Common name: Vaillant's Chiton
    Scientific name: Acanthopleura vaillantii
  2. Common name: Chiton affinis
    Scientific name: Chiton affinis
  3. Common name: Chiton torrianus
    Scientific name: Chiton torrianus
  4. cucaracha de mar,  molusco, chitón tuberculatus, cochinillas de mar, comida costeña, quitones, cucarachas de mar preparadas con cebolla
    Common name: West Indian green chiton
    Scientific name: Chiton tuberculatus
  5. Common name: Burrow's chiton
    Scientific name: Cryptoplax larvaeformis