
Common name: Verongid sponges

Scientific name: Aplysinidae

The Aplysinidae family, commonly known as Verongid sponges, includes species like Aplysina aerophoba, the Mediterranean sponge. These sponges are known for their bright colors and intricate networks of tubes or branches. They are filter feeders, playing a crucial role in nutrient cycling in reef ecosystems. In the aquarium, they require stable water conditions and low to moderate flow to thrive. They are also a source of bioactive compounds with potential pharmaceutical applications.

  1. Aiolochroia crassa,Benching tube sponge
    Common name: Branching tube sponge
    Scientific name: Aiolochroia crassa
  2. Yellow tube sea sponge - Aplysina aerophoba, underwater image into the Mediterranean sea
    Common name: Yellow tube sponge
    Scientific name: Aplysina aerophoba
  3. Caribbean coral garden
    Common name: Stove Pipe Sponge
    Scientific name: Aplysina archeri
  4. Coral reef Row Pore Rope Sponge (Aplysina cauliformis)
    Common name: row pore rope sponge
    Scientific name: Aplysina cauliformis
  5. Yellow-cave sponge (Aplysina cavernicola) in Mediterranean Sea
    Common name: Vase Sponge
    Scientific name: Aplysina cavernicola
  6. Yellow tube sea sponge - Aplysina aerophoba, underwater image into the Mediterranean sea
    Common name: Yellow tube sponge
    Scientific name: Aplysina fistularis
  7. Underwater coral reef
    Common name: Stove Pipe Sponge
    Scientific name: Aplysina lacunosa
  8. Paddles commonly used in canoes consist of a wooden, fibreglass, carbon fibre or metal rod (the shaft) with a handle on one end and a rigid sheet (the blade) on the other end. Paddles for use in kayak
    Common name: Rigid Sea Rod
    Scientific name: Verongula rigida