
Common name: Stony Corals

Scientific name: Caryophylliidae

Caryophylliidae is a family of stony corals commonly found in reef aquariums, known for their hard calcium carbonate skeletons. They are often referred to as SPS (Small Polyp Stony) corals due to the small size of their polyps. Members of this family exhibit a variety of colors and forms, making them highly sought after by aquarists. They require stable water conditions, moderate to high lighting, and strong water flow to thrive. These corals also benefit from the presence of symbiotic algae, zooxanthellae, which live within their tissues and assist in providing nutrients through photosynthesis.

  1. Cup corals, Runde Nelkenkoralle (Caryophyllia inornata)
    Common name: carnation coral
    Scientific name: Caryophyllia inornata
  2. Carnation coral, Ovale Nelkenkoralle (Caryophyllia smithii)
    Common name: Devonshire cup-coral
    Scientific name: Caryophyllia smithii
  3. Blue tip Elegance LPS coral - Catalaphyllia Jardinei
    Common name: Elegance coral
    Scientific name: Catalaphyllia jardinei
  4. Purple tube sponges in the Caribbean Sea
    Common name: tube coral
    Scientific name: Cladocora arbuscula