Common name: Cowrie Snails
Scientific name: Cypraeidae
Cypraeidae, commonly known as Cowrie Snails, are a family of marine gastropods admired for their glossy, colorful shells. These snails are found in warm, tropical waters and are often nocturnal. They feed on algae, detritus, and sometimes on small invertebrates. In the aquarium, they are valued for their scavenging abilities and their contribution to the clean-up crew. Cowries are generally peaceful and can coexist with a variety of tank mates. However, their shells can be a target for hermit crabs, so it's important to provide alternative shells to prevent unwanted shell exchanges.
- Common name: Tiger CowrieScientific name: Cypraea tigris
- Common name: Fuzzy cowrie shellScientific name: Erosaria miliaris
- Common name: Arabic cowryScientific name: Mauritia arabica
- Common name: Gold RingerScientific name: Monetaria annulus
- Common name: Serpent's Head CowrieScientific name: Monetaria caputserpentis
- Common name: Money CowryScientific name: Monetaria moneta