Common name: Arabian Cowrie

Scientific name: Mauritia arabica (Linnaeus, 1758)

General Information

The Arabian Cowrie, scientifically known as Mauritia arabica, is a stunning marine mollusk cherished for its smooth, glossy shell adorned with intricate patterns resembling a mosaic. This species belongs to the family Cypraeidae, commonly referred to as cowries, and is a favorite among shell collectors and marine enthusiasts. Its name reflects its historical association with trade and currency, as cowrie shells were once used as money in various cultures.

In the aquarium hobby, Mauritia arabica is appreciated for its unique appearance and its role as a scavenger. Its natural habitat includes coral reefs and rocky substrates in tropical and subtropical regions, where it plays a part in maintaining the ecosystem by feeding on algae and detritus.


Estimated price
Recommended minimum volume
50 liter (13 gallons)
S.G. 1.023 to 1.025
24 to 27 °C (75 to 81 °F)
pH 8 to 8.5
Average size
10 cm (4″)
Care level
Moderate to easy Needs stable water parameters and hiding spots
Herbivore Feeds on algae, detritus, and biofilm in the tank
Captive bred


  1. Kingdom
  2. Phylum
  3. Class
  4. Order
  5. Family
  6. Genus
  7. Species
    Arabian Cowrie
    Mauritia arabica (Linnaeus, 1758)
  8. Synonyms
    Arabica arabica (Linnaeus, 1758)
    Cypraea arabica Linnaeus, 1758
    Cypraea arabica albina Sull., 1924
    Cypraea arabica induta Sull., 1924
    Cypraea brunnescens Cate, 1964
    Cypraea dilacerata Schilder & Schilder, 1939
    Cypraea intermedia Smith, 1913
    Cypraea prasina Shaw, 1909
  9. Source: GBIF | Global Biodiversity Information Facility


Caring for the Arabian Cowrie in a home aquarium requires attention to its specific needs. It thrives in a well-established reef tank with stable water parameters and plenty of live rock. These mollusks are nocturnal and prefer to hide during the day, so providing ample crevices and caves is essential for their comfort.

While generally hardy, Mauritia arabica is sensitive to poor water quality and sudden changes in salinity or temperature. Regular maintenance and monitoring of water parameters are crucial to ensure their well-being.

Diet and Feeding

In the wild, the Arabian Cowrie feeds on a diet of algae, detritus, and biofilm found on rocks and coral surfaces. In captivity, it can be sustained with a similar diet by allowing natural algae to grow in the tank or supplementing with algae wafers and other suitable foods. It is important to avoid overfeeding, as uneaten food can degrade water quality.

Behavior and Compatibility

The Arabian Cowrie is a peaceful and solitary creature that poses no threat to other tank inhabitants. However, it is essential to house them with reef-safe species, as they may become prey to aggressive fish or invertebrates. They are compatible with most reef setups and can coexist with a variety of corals and other invertebrates.

Health and Common Issues

The Arabian Cowrie is generally hardy but can be susceptible to stress caused by poor water quality or aggressive tank mates. It is also vulnerable to predators due to its slow movement and lack of defensive mechanisms. Ensuring a safe and stable environment is key to their longevity.

When selecting an Arabian Cowrie, look for individuals with intact shells and active movement. Avoid specimens with damaged shells or signs of lethargy, as these may indicate underlying health issues.


Mauritia arabica is native to the Indo-Pacific region, including the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and parts of the Pacific Ocean. It inhabits coral reefs, rocky substrates, and sandy areas, often hiding in crevices during the day and emerging at night to feed. Replicating these conditions in captivity, with a mix of live rock and sandy substrate, will help them feel at home.