
Common name: Galaxaura

Scientific name: Galaxauraceae

Galaxauraceae is a family of calcified red algae found in tropical and subtropical oceans. Members of this family, such as Galaxaura spp., are known for their bushy, tree-like appearance and can vary in color from deep red to purple. They are photosynthetic and contribute to reef building by depositing calcium carbonate within their cell walls. In the aquarium, they require moderate to high lighting and good water flow to thrive. They can be a unique and attractive addition to a reef tank, but growth should be monitored as they can overtake slower-growing corals.

  1. Green grass lawn in backyard outdoor garden
    Common name: Manila Grass
    Scientific name: Actinotrichia fragilis
  2. chocolate bar white and black cocoa plate with mermaid and glass of wine
    Common name: Mermaid's Wine Glass
    Scientific name: Dichotomaria apiculata
  3. White scroll alga (Padina jamaicensis) on the on the reef off the Dutch Caribbean island of Sint Maarten
    Common name: Scroll Algae
    Scientific name: Dichotomaria marginata
  4. Mangrove tree in the sea, foliage and roots split level view over and under water surface in the Caribbean ( red mangrove Rhizophora mangle )
    Common name: Red Mangrove
    Scientific name: Tricleocarpa cylindrica