Common name: Red Algae
Scientific name: Florideophyceae
Florideophyceae, commonly known as red algae, are a class of mostly marine algae notable for their reddish pigmentation, which is due to the presence of the pigment phycoerythrin. This class includes many species that are important in reef aquariums for their ability to perform photosynthesis and contribute to the biological filtration by absorbing nutrients. Some species can also provide a natural food source for various marine invertebrates and fish. However, care should be taken as some red algae can become invasive and may need to be controlled to prevent them from overgrowing other desirable inhabitants.
- Common name: Manila GrassScientific name: Actinotrichia fragilis
- Common name: Cryptic Branching Coralline AlgaeScientific name: Amphiroa cryptarthrodia
- Common name: Lime Green AlgaeScientific name: Amphiroa fragilissima
- Common name: Red asparagus algaeScientific name: Asparagopsis taxiformis
- Common name: Red Grape AlgaeScientific name: Botryocladia botryoides
- Common name: Botryocladia pseudodichotomaScientific name: Botryocladia pseudodichotoma
- Common name: Botryocladia SkottsbergiiScientific name: Botryocladia skottsbergii
- Common name: Grape CaulerpaScientific name: Botryocladia uvaria
- Common name: Red AlgaeScientific name: Centroceras clavulatum
- Common name: Mermaid's Wine GlassScientific name: Dichotomaria apiculata
- Common name: Scroll AlgaeScientific name: Dichotomaria marginata
- Common name: Gelidium SeaweedScientific name: Gelidium microdon
- Common name: Dwarf Red AlgaeScientific name: Gelidium pusillum
- Common name: Red SeaweedScientific name: Gelidium spinosum
- Common name: GracilariaScientific name: Gracilaria curtissiae
- Common name: Warty gracilariaScientific name: Gracilaria gracilis
- Common name: Red AlgaeScientific name: Gracilaria parvispora
- Common name: OgoScientific name: Gracilaria salicornia
- Common name: Gracilaria tikvahiaeScientific name: Gracilaria tikvahiae
- Common name: Red Sea LettuceScientific name: Halymenia duchassaingii
- Common name: Dragon's Tongue AlgaeScientific name: Halymenia floresii
- Common name: Dragon's Tongue AlgaeScientific name: Halymenia floridana
- Common name: Hydrolithon boergeseniiScientific name: Hydrolithon boergesenii
- Common name: Dragon's BreathScientific name: Hypnea musciformis
- Common name: Hypnea SpinellaScientific name: Hypnea spinella
- Common name: Jania rubensScientific name: Jania rubens
- Common name: An encrusting coralline algaScientific name: Lithophyllum incrustans
- Common name: Coralline AlgaeScientific name: Mesophyllum mesomorphum
- Common name: Red Ribbion SeaweedScientific name: Nitophyllum punctatum
- Common name: Red Sea LettuceScientific name: Platoma gelatinosum
- Common name: Polysiphonia elongataScientific name: Polysiphonia elongata
- Common name: Red Grape AlgaeScientific name: Rhodymenia holmesii
- Common name: DulseScientific name: Rhodymenia pseudopalmata
- Common name: Scinaia complanataScientific name: Scinaia complanata
- Common name: Red AlgaeScientific name: Solieria robusta
- Common name: Red MangroveScientific name: Tricleocarpa cylindrica
- Common name: Blue Axil ChromisScientific name: Wrangelia argus