
Common name: Fire Coral

Scientific name: Milleporidae

Milleporidae, commonly known as fire corals, are a family of colonial marine organisms that resemble true corals but are actually more closely related to jellyfish and other hydrozoans. They possess stinging cells called nematocysts, which can cause a painful rash upon contact, hence the name 'fire coral'. These organisms are important reef builders and are found in shallow tropical and subtropical waters. They exhibit a variety of growth forms, including branching, plate-like, and encrusting types. Fire corals are photosynthetic and host symbiotic algae known as zooxanthellae, which help provide nutrients through photosynthesis.

  1. Caribbean coral garden
    Common name: fire coral
    Scientific name: Millepora alcicornis
  2. Underwater bladed fire coral, Millepora complanata landscape Reef scenery, coral fire  los roques - venezuela
    Common name: bladed fire coral
    Scientific name: Millepora complanata