
Common name: Anthoathecata

Scientific name: Anthoathecata

Anthoathecata, commonly known as athecate hydroids or naked hydroids, are an order of hydrozoans that lack the protective thecae found in their thecate counterparts. These organisms are often found in reef environments and can be both solitary and colonial. Species within this order, such as those in the genus Hydra, are known for their regenerative abilities. In the aquarium, they can be both a fascinating addition and a potential pest, as some can overgrow other sessile invertebrates.

  1. Distichophora Violacea - Distichopora Violacea Blue Lace Coral
    Common name: Violet Lace Coral
    Scientific name: Distichopora violacea
  2. Caribbean coral garden
    Common name: fire coral
    Scientific name: Millepora alcicornis
  3. Underwater bladed fire coral, Millepora complanata landscape Reef scenery, coral fire  los roques - venezuela
    Common name: bladed fire coral
    Scientific name: Millepora complanata
  4. Yellowline arrow crab with rose lace corals (Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands)
    Common name: Rose Lace Coral
    Scientific name: Stylaster roseus