
Common name: Ragworms

Scientific name: Nereididae

Nereididae, commonly known as ragworms, sandworms, or clam worms, are a family of polychaete worms. They are often found in marine environments from tidal zones to much deeper waters. These segmented worms are known for their impressive ability to regenerate lost segments. In the reef aquarium, some species can be beneficial detritivores, helping to break down waste. However, care should be taken as some can grow large and may become predatory, posing a risk to small fish and invertebrates. They are not commonly kept as pets but may be introduced inadvertently with live rock or sand.

  1. King ragworms from close
    Common name: Clam Worm
    Scientific name: Alitta virens
  2. Common name: Slender Ragworm
    Scientific name: Nereis pelagica
  3. Variable oystercatcher during sunset on a New Zealand beach
    Common name: Mussel Worm
    Scientific name: Nereis vexillosa