
Common name: Polychaetes

Scientific name: Polychaeta

Polychaetes, commonly known as bristle worms, are a diverse class of annelid worms characterized by segmented bodies with a pair of paddle-like parapodia on each segment, which bear numerous bristles, or chaetae. These organisms play a crucial role in the marine ecosystem as detritivores, helping to break down and recycle organic matter. In reef aquariums, small species of polychaetes can be beneficial by consuming detritus and aerating the substrate, but larger, predatory types like the fireworm can harm other invertebrates.

  1. King ragworms from close
    Common name: Clam Worm
    Scientific name: Alitta virens
  2. social feather duster, Bispira brunnea
    Common name: Social feather duster
    Scientific name: Bispira brunnea
  3. Closup on twin fan worm or spiral fan worm Bispira volutacornis
    Common name: Banded Fanworm
    Scientific name: Bispira melanostigma
  4. Violet Caribbean Sea Social Feather Duster Colony
    Common name: Social Feather Duster
    Scientific name: Bispira tricyclia
  5. funny animal feather duster worm, popular and demanding pet move tentacles in circular current and hunt for food, healthy and active bristleworm in nano reef marine aquarium
    Common name: Feather Duster Worm
    Scientific name: Bispira viola
  6. Twin fan worm (Bispira volutacornis) in Mediterranean Sea
    Common name: Twin fan worm
    Scientific name: Bispira volutacornis
  7. Green spoon worm (Bonellia viridis) in Mediterranean Sea
    Common name: green spoon worm
    Scientific name: Bonellia viridis
  8. worm,green leaf worm,worms,leaf miner,caterpillar green leaf worm,leaf,worm farm,days green leaf worm,green leaf worm farm,leaf eating worms,leaf miner treatment,worm world,worm on leaves,the worm wor
    Common name: Green-leaf worm
    Scientific name: Eulalia viridis
  9. Bearded fireworm (Hermodice carunculata) on a sandy seabed
    Common name: Bristle Worm
    Scientific name: Eunice norvegica
  10. Common name: Nebulous Terebellid Worm
    Scientific name: Eupolymnia nebulosa
  11. Common name: St. Joseph's Cardinalfish
    Scientific name: Eurato sanctijosephi
  12. Orange fireworm (Eurythoe complanata) undersea, Caribbean Sea, Cuba, Playa Cueva de los peces
    Common name: Common Fireworm
    Scientific name: Eurythoe complanata
  13. Fauna of ocean surrounding Gran Canaria - tangled tubes of marine Tube worms, rounded into a pebble
    Common name: Tangled Tubeworm
    Scientific name: Filograna implexa
  14. Common name: Filogranella elatensis
    Scientific name: Filogranella elatensis
  15. Bobbit Worm Eunice aphroditois.
    Common name: Bobbit Worm
    Scientific name: Glycera unicornis
  16. Spirobranchus giganteus, Christmas tree worms
    Common name: Sponge Worm
    Scientific name: Haplosyllis spongicola
  17. Hermodice carunculata, the bearded fireworm
    Common name: bearded fireworm
    Scientific name: Hermodice carunculata
  18. snake in the background
    Common name: Scale Worm
    Scientific name: Lepidonotus clava
  19. A spaghetti worm with tentacles radiating out from a central burrow.; Oahu Island, Hawaiian Islands.
    Common name: Spagetti worm
    Scientific name: Loimia medusa
  20. Slime tube worm (Myxicola infundibulum) sea bottom
    Common name: Red Feather Duster
    Scientific name: Myxicola infundibulum
  21. Common name: Slender Ragworm
    Scientific name: Nereis pelagica
  22. Variable oystercatcher during sunset on a New Zealand beach
    Common name: Mussel Worm
    Scientific name: Nereis vexillosa
  23. fireworm
    Common name: Fireworm
    Scientific name: Oenone fulgida
  24. Bearded fireworm (Hermodice carunculata) on a sandy seabed
    Common name: Bristle Worm
    Scientific name: Phyllodoce lamelligera
  25. tubeworm (protula bispiralis)
    Common name: hard tube coco worm
    Scientific name: Protula bispiralis
  26. Marine polychaete Mediterranean fanworm or feather duster worm, European fan worm (Sabella spallanzanii) undersea, Aegean Sea, Greece, Halkidiki
    Common name: Mediterranean Fanworm
    Scientific name: Sabella fallax
  27. Magnificent Feather Duster worm underwater in the Caribbean, Sabellastarte magnifica
    Common name: feather duster
    Scientific name: Sabellastarte magnifica
  28. Feather duster worm (Sabellastarte spectabilis) on the reef off the Dutch Caribbean island of Sint Maarten
    Common name: Indian feather duster worm
    Scientific name: Sabellastarte spectabilis
  29. Colorful Christmas tree worms with coral reef and coral
    Common name: Coral worm
    Scientific name: Salmacina dysteri
  30. Calcareous tubeworm or fan worm, plume worm or red tube worm (Serpula vermicularis) close-up undersea, Aegean Sea, Greece, Halkidiki
    Common name: tubeworm
    Scientific name: Serpula vermicularis
  31. Christmas Tree Worm, Spirobranchus corniculatus
    Common name: Christmas Tree Worm
    Scientific name: Spirobranchus corniculatus
  32. 海の中のイバラカンザシ
    Common name: Christmas Tree Worm
    Scientific name: Spirobranchus giganteus