
Common name: Encrusting Sponge Family

Scientific name: Phloeodictyidae

The Phloeodictyidae family, commonly known as the Encrusting Sponge Family, includes a variety of marine sponges characterized by their encrusting growth form. These sponges often display a range of colors and textures, and can be an interesting addition to a reef aquarium due to their role in nutrient cycling. They are filter feeders, removing particulate matter from the water column, which helps maintain water quality. Hobbyists should ensure they provide a stable environment with adequate water flow and filtration to support their growth.

  1. Common name: Amboina Sponge
    Scientific name: Oceanapia amboinensis
  2. Yellow boring sponge (Cliona celata) being cleaned by sea cucumber Stichopus mollis.
    Common name: Boring Sponge
    Scientific name: Siphonodictyon coralliphagum
  3. Common name: Siphonodictyon mucosum
    Scientific name: Siphonodictyon mucosum