
Common name: Ragworms

Scientific name: Phyllodocidae

Phyllodocidae, commonly known as ragworms, clam worms, or sand worms, are a family of polychaete worms found in marine environments. They are characterized by their elongated bodies, segmented with parapodia for locomotion, and often vibrant colors. Many species are important for the marine food web and some are used in the aquarium trade as food for fish and invertebrates. They can be beneficial for the tank's ecosystem by aiding in the breakdown of detritus and providing a natural food source.

  1. Green Leaf Worm (Eulalia viridis)
    Common name: Green Leaf Worm
    Scientific name: Eulalia viridis
  2. Lamellate Leaf Worm (Phyllodoce lamelligera)
    Common name: Lamellate Leaf Worm
    Scientific name: Phyllodoce lamelligera