
Common name: Mangrove Family

Scientific name: Rhizophoraceae

The Rhizophoraceae, commonly known as the Mangrove Family, includes several species of tropical mangroves. These plants are key components of coastal ecosystems, providing habitat for a variety of marine organisms. In reef aquariums, mangrove species like Rhizophora mangle can be grown, often in refugium sections, where they aid in nutrient export and provide a unique aesthetic. They require strong lighting to mimic their natural, sun-drenched habitats and can be propagated from propagules. Mangroves are known for their complex root systems, which offer shelter and feeding grounds for fish and invertebrates.

  1. Beautiful Mangrove island landscape and scenery during blue sky, sunrise and sunset from aerial view
    Common name: Red Mangrove
    Scientific name: Rhizophora mangle