
Common name: Christmas Tree Worms

Scientific name: Serpulidae

Serpulidae, commonly known as Christmas Tree Worms, Tube Worms, or Feather Duster Worms, are a family of sedentary polychaete worms. They are known for their beautiful, spiraling, and colorful crowns which are used for feeding and respiration. These worms anchor themselves in hard substrates, such as live rock or coral skeletons, by secreting a calcareous tube around their bodies. In the aquarium, they are appreciated for their unique appearance and the role they play in the ecosystem, helping to filter the water. They are generally reef safe and can add a splash of color and natural behavior to the tank.

  1. Fauna of ocean surrounding Gran Canaria - tangled tubes of marine Tube worms, rounded into a pebble
    Common name: Tangled Tubeworm
    Scientific name: Filograna implexa
  2. Common name: Filogranella elatensis
    Scientific name: Filogranella elatensis
  3. tubeworm (protula bispiralis)
    Common name: hard tube coco worm
    Scientific name: Protula bispiralis
  4. Colorful Christmas tree worms with coral reef and coral
    Common name: Coral worm
    Scientific name: Salmacina dysteri
  5. Calcareous tubeworm or fan worm, plume worm or red tube worm (Serpula vermicularis) close-up undersea, Aegean Sea, Greece, Halkidiki
    Common name: tubeworm
    Scientific name: Serpula vermicularis
  6. Christmas Tree Worm, Spirobranchus corniculatus
    Common name: Christmas Tree Worm
    Scientific name: Spirobranchus corniculatus
  7. 海の中のイバラカンザシ
    Common name: Christmas Tree Worm
    Scientific name: Spirobranchus giganteus