
Common name: Alveopora

Scientific name: Alveopora

Alveopora is a genus of stony corals in the family Poritidae, known for their distinctive flower-like polyps with numerous tentacles, usually 12 per polyp. They are often confused with their close relatives, the Goniopora corals, which have more tentacles. Alveopora species are found in a variety of reef environments but tend to prefer moderate to low flow and lighting conditions. They are filter feeders and benefit from regular feedings of planktonic foods in captivity. Their peaceful nature and moderate care requirements make them a popular choice for reef aquariums.

  1. Branching flower pot coral, Porenkoralle (Alveopora catalai)
    Common name: Net coral
    Scientific name: Alveopora catalai
  2. Nahaufnahme von Alveopora gigas im Meerwasseraquarium
    Common name: Alveopora Coral
    Scientific name: Alveopora gigas