
Common name: Axinella Sponges

Scientific name: Axinella

Axinella is a genus of sponges found in marine environments, known for their diverse forms and colors, ranging from yellow to orange and even purple. They are part of the Demospongiae class, the largest class of sponges, which are characterized by their siliceous spicules and spongin fibers. Axinella species often form branching or fan-like structures and can add a unique aesthetic to reef aquariums. They host a variety of microorganisms, playing a crucial role in nutrient cycling within the tank ecosystem. Care should be taken to provide them with moderate water flow and sufficient space to grow without being overshadowed by more aggressive tank inhabitants.

  1. Common name: Aru Sponge
    Scientific name: Axinella aruensis
  2. Sponge, axinella cannabina, Kas Turkey
    Common name: Axinella cannabina
    Scientific name: Axinella cannabina
  3. axinelle plate
    Common name: yellow sponge
    Scientific name: Axinella damicornis
  4. Callyspongia aculeata, commonly known as the branching vase sponge
    Common name: branching sponge
    Scientific name: Axinella dissimilis
  5. Hand of an anonymous woman with foam and a yellow sponge
    Common name: Yellow Sponge
    Scientific name: Axinella flustra
  6. Axinella polypoides 847_190 R, Esponja amarilla, esponja.
    Common name: Axinella Polypoides
    Scientific name: Axinella polypoides
  7. Black soft foam board background. black sponge surface texture.
    Common name: Rough Sponge
    Scientific name: Axinella verrucosa