
Common name: Parasitic Anemone

Scientific name: Calliactis

Calliactis is a genus of sea anemones known for their unique symbiotic relationship with hermit crabs. These anemones attach to the shells carried by hermit crabs, providing the crabs with added protection against predators. In return, the anemone benefits from the mobility and access to food scraps. Calliactis species are fascinating additions to reef aquariums, where they can be observed engaging in this symbiosis. They require stable water conditions and should be provided with adequate space and feeding to thrive.

  1. A hermit crab (Dardanus pedunculatus) has a symbiotic relationship with anemones (Calliactis polypus) that provide camouflage and protection.
    Common name: Hermit crab anemone
    Scientific name: Calliactis polypus