
Common name: Goby

Scientific name: Callogobius

Callogobius is a genus of gobies often found in tropical reefs and known for their small size and cryptic behavior. They are characterized by their elongated bodies, large eyes, and ability to blend into their surroundings. These gobies are generally peaceful and can be kept with other non-aggressive fish. They are bottom dwellers and appreciate a sandy substrate with plenty of hiding places. Callogobius species are not common in the aquarium trade but can be a unique addition for hobbyists seeking to diversify their tank's inhabitants.

  1. Common name: Amikami Goby
    Scientific name: Callogobius amikami
  2. Common name: Doublebar goby
    Scientific name: Callogobius bifasciatus
  3. Common name: Saddled goby
    Scientific name: Callogobius clitellus
  4. Common name: Hasselt's goby
    Scientific name: Callogobius hasseltii
  5. Common name: Ostrich goby
    Scientific name: Callogobius maculipinnis
  6. Common name: Tailspot flaphead goby
    Scientific name: Callogobius okinawae
  7. Stockenten Erpel im Frühjahr in der Spree bei der  Futtersuche
    Common name: Feather goby
    Scientific name: Callogobius plumatus
  8. Red fire goby , fire fish goby or magnificent fire dart fish swims above the coral reef of Bali
    Common name: Pacific goby
    Scientific name: Callogobius sclateri