
Common name: Chitons

Scientific name: Chiton

Chitons are a genus of marine mollusks known for their distinctive eight-plated shells and ability to cling tightly to rocks. They are a unique addition to the reef aquarium, often seen grazing on algae. These invertebrates are hardy and can adapt to various water conditions, making them suitable for beginner and experienced hobbyists alike. They play a beneficial role in controlling algae growth, but their need for a stable environment with plenty of live rock for grazing should be considered.

  1. Common name: Chiton affinis
    Scientific name: Chiton affinis
  2. Common name: Chiton torrianus
    Scientific name: Chiton torrianus
  3. cucaracha de mar,  molusco, chitón tuberculatus, cochinillas de mar, comida costeña, quitones, cucarachas de mar preparadas con cebolla
    Common name: West Indian green chiton
    Scientific name: Chiton tuberculatus