
Common name: Gobies

Scientific name: Coryphopterus

Coryphopterus is a genus of small, peaceful gobies often found in the tropical Atlantic Ocean. These gobies are known for their interesting behaviors and are a favorite among reef aquarium hobbyists. They tend to stay small, making them suitable for nano and larger reef tanks. Coryphopterus species are sand sifters, playing a role in the cleanup crew by consuming detritus and uneaten food. They are also known for their symbiotic relationships with burrowing shrimps, sharing their burrows and providing a lookout for predators. These gobies are relatively easy to care for, requiring stable water conditions and a diet of small meaty foods.

  1. Common name: barfin goby
    Scientific name: Coryphopterus alloides
  2. Pallid goby sits on sandy coral reef
    Common name: pallid goby
    Scientific name: Coryphopterus eidolon
  3. Bridled Goby Coryphopterus glaucofraenum perched next to sand burrow Bonaire
    Common name: sand goby
    Scientific name: Coryphopterus glaucofraenum
  4. Transparent body glass goby
    Common name: glass goby
    Scientific name: Coryphopterus hyalinus
  5. Coryphopterus lipernes, the peppermint goby,
    Common name: peppermint goby
    Scientific name: Coryphopterus lipernes
  6. Coryphopterus personatus,masked goby
    Common name: masked goby
    Scientific name: Coryphopterus personatus
  7. Marbled sleepy goby,Sand goby (Oxyeleotris marmoratus Bleeker)Isolated on white background
    Common name: sand goby
    Scientific name: Coryphopterus tortugae