
Common name: Neon Gobies

Scientific name: Elacatinus

Elacatinus is a genus of gobies commonly known as Neon or Cleaner Gobies. These small, brightly colored fish are popular in the reefkeeping hobby for their vibrant appearance and beneficial cleaning behavior. They form symbiotic relationships with larger fish, offering a cleaning service by removing parasites and dead skin. This genus includes species like the Blue Neon Goby and the Sharknose Goby. They are generally peaceful and can be kept with a variety of tank mates. Their small size makes them suitable for nano reefs but they do require stable water conditions and plenty of hiding spaces.

  1. Shortstripe Goby (Gobiosoma chancei)  on a vase sponge, Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles
    Common name: Shortstripe goby
    Scientific name: Elacatinus chancei
  2. Sharknose goby (Elacatinus evelynae) on the reef off the island of Sint Maarten, Dutch Caribbean.
    Common name: sharknose goby
    Scientific name: Elacatinus evelynae
  3. elacatinus  figaro
    Common name: Neon goby
    Scientific name: Elacatinus figaro
  4. Underwater cleaning station
    Common name: Cleaner goby
    Scientific name: Elacatinus genie
  5. Elacatinus horsti, yellowline goby
    Common name: yellowline goby
    Scientific name: Elacatinus horsti
  6. Barsnout Goby (Elacatinus illecebrosus) over a coral head - Cozumel
    Common name: Barsnout goby
    Scientific name: Elacatinus illecebrosus
  7. A Blue Neon Goby (Elacatinus oceanops) in Cozumel, Mexico
    Common name: Neon goby
    Scientific name: Elacatinus oceanops
  8. Common name: White-striped goby
    Scientific name: Elacatinus prochilos
  9. Redhead Goby (Elacatinus puncticulatus)
    Common name: Redhead goby
    Scientific name: Elacatinus puncticulatus
  10. Yellownose Goby on a coral head - Bonaire
    Common name: Yellownose goby
    Scientific name: Elacatinus randalli