
Common name: Hammer Coral

Scientific name: Euphyllia

Euphyllia is a genus of large-polyped stony corals commonly found in reef aquariums. Species within this genus, such as the Hammer Coral (Euphyllia ancora), Frogspawn Coral (Euphyllia divisa), and Torch Coral (Euphyllia glabrescens), are prized for their vibrant colors and dynamic tentacle movement. They form symbiotic relationships with zooxanthellae, which aid in their nutrition. Euphyllia corals require moderate lighting and water flow, and they should be placed with care to avoid contact with other corals due to their aggressive nature and long sweeper tentacles.

  1. Coral Euphyllia  ancora
    Common name: Anchor coral
    Scientific name: Euphyllia ancora
  2. Frogspawn Coral, Thin Branched
(Euphyllia divisa
    Common name: bubble coral
    Scientific name: Euphyllia divisa
  3. Euphyllia glabrescens Koralle Meerwasser
    Common name: Torch coral
    Scientific name: Euphyllia glabrescens
  4. Euphyllia paraancora - Branched hammer LPS coral
    Common name: Hammer Coral
    Scientific name: Euphyllia paraancora
  5. Euphyllia paradivisa purple close up shot
    Common name: Frogspawn Coral
    Scientific name: Euphyllia paradivisa
  6. Frogspawn Coral (Euphyllia yaeyamaensis)
    Common name: Euphyllia Yaeyamaensis
    Scientific name: Euphyllia yaeyamaensis