
Common name: Bobtail Squid

Scientific name: Euprymna

Euprymna is a genus of cephalopods in the family Sepiolidae known as bobtail squid. These small, nocturnal creatures are known for their mutualistic relationship with bioluminescent bacteria, which they harbor in a special light organ. This symbiosis allows them to produce light that mimics moonlight, reducing their shadow on the seafloor and helping them avoid predators. While fascinating, they are not common in the reefkeeping hobby due to their specialized care requirements and short lifespans.

  1. Berry's Bobtail Squid - Euprymna berryi hunting in the night. Amazing underwater world of Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia.
    Common name: Berry's bobtail squid
    Scientific name: Euprymna berryi