
Common name: Whipfin Gobies

Scientific name: Fusigobius

Fusigobius is a genus of small, bottom-dwelling fish known as Whipfin Gobies, found in sandy and rubble substrates of tropical reefs. These gobies are appreciated for their peaceful nature and interesting behaviors, often forming symbiotic relationships with burrowing shrimps. They are a favorite among reefkeepers for their ability to coexist with a wide variety of tank mates. Their diet consists mainly of small invertebrates and they contribute to the tank's cleanliness by sifting through the substrate.

  1. セホシサンカクハゼ
    Common name: Barenape goby
    Scientific name: Fusigobius duospilus
  2. Common name: Shoulderspot sandgoby
    Scientific name: Fusigobius humeralis
  3. Golden goby
    Common name: Blotched Sand Goby
    Scientific name: Fusigobius inframaculatus
  4. Common name: Orange-spotted sand-goby
    Scientific name: Fusigobius longispinus
  5. Common name: Large sandgoby
    Scientific name: Fusigobius maximus
  6. Common name: Blacktip sandgoby
    Scientific name: Fusigobius melacron
  7. Common name: Common fusegoby
    Scientific name: Fusigobius neophytus
  8. Common name: Pale sandgoby
    Scientific name: Fusigobius pallidus
  9. Signalfin goby
    Common name: Signalfin goby
    Scientific name: Fusigobius signipinnis