
Common name: Galaxy Coral

Scientific name: Galaxea

Galaxea is a genus of stony corals known for their intense, often green or brown polyps that extend well beyond their skeletal base, giving them a 'galaxy' appearance. They are aggressive corals with sweeper tentacles that can sting neighboring corals, so they require careful placement in the reef aquarium. Galaxea corals are photosynthetic, hosting symbiotic algae called zooxanthellae, which assist in their nutrition. They thrive in moderate to high lighting and water flow, and benefit from supplemental feeding of planktonic foods.

  1. Metalic Long Polyp Galaxea Coral - (Galaxea astreata)
    Common name: Octopus coral
    Scientific name: Galaxea astreata
  2. Galaxea fascicularis EG-25
    Common name: Octopus coral
    Scientific name: Galaxea fascicularis