
Common name: Pinecone Fish

Scientific name: Gutturnium

The genus Gutturnium, commonly known as Pinecone Fish, is part of the family Monocentridae. These fish are known for their unique armor-like scales and bioluminescent organs, which they use for communication and to attract prey. Pinecone Fish are typically yellow with blue markings and are popular in the aquarium trade for their distinctive appearance. They are nocturnal and prefer to hide during the day, making caves or overhangs in the tank essential. They feed on small crustaceans and are generally peaceful, making them suitable for community tanks with larger, non-aggressive fish.

  1. Red-tailed knobby newt // Kweichow-Krokodilmolch  (Tylototriton kweichowensis)
    Common name: knobbly triton
    Scientific name: Gutturnium muricinum