
Common name: Blue Tang

Scientific name: Hepatus

Hepatus is a genus of surgeonfishes known for their striking blue coloration and bold black markings. The most famous member of this genus is the Blue Tang, Hepatus coeruleus, often recognized from its depiction in popular culture. These fish are active swimmers and require ample space to thrive. They are herbivores, grazing on algae, and can help control algae growth in a reef tank. However, they can grow quite large and are best suited for larger aquariums. They are also known for their sharp 'scalpel' located near the tail, which is used for defense.

  1. Calico crab (Leopard Crab) (Hepatus epheliticus) running across a sandy beach at St. Pete Beach, Florida
    Common name: calico box crab
    Scientific name: Hepatus epheliticus