
Common name: Tube Anemone

Scientific name: Isarachnanthus

Isarachnanthus is a genus of tube-dwelling anemones commonly known as Tube Anemones. They are nocturnal, extending their long tentacles at night to capture food. These anemones are unique in that they secrete a parchment-like tube in which they reside. They are often brightly colored, adding a splash of intrigue to the reef aquarium. Tube Anemones can be kept in a reef or fish-only tank but require stable conditions and moderate care. They are non-photosynthetic and rely on planktonic food, making regular feeding important. They are not aggressive but should be given space as they can grow quite large.

  1. Common name: Isarachnanthus night anemone
    Scientific name: Isarachnanthus maderensis