
Common name: Merulina Coral

Scientific name: Merulina

Merulina corals are a genus of reef-building corals known for their distinctive, leaf-like growth patterns and ridged structures. They are found in a variety of colors, often displaying shades of green, brown, and pink. These corals are moderately challenging to keep due to their specific lighting and flow requirements. They thrive in well-established reef tanks with stable water conditions. Merulina corals benefit from moderate to high lighting and medium water flow, which helps in the delivery of nutrients and removal of waste. They host symbiotic zooxanthellae algae, which assist in their nutrition through photosynthesis, but may also require supplemental feeding of planktonic foods.

  1. Stony coral spine coral (Hydnophora microconos)  and crispy crust coral (Merulina scheeri) undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh, Nabq Bay
    Common name: Crispy crust coral
    Scientific name: Merulina ampliata