
Common name: Crispy crust coral

Scientific name: Merulina ampliata (Ellis & Solander, 1786)
Stony coral spine coral (Hydnophora microconos)  and crispy crust coral (Merulina scheeri) undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh, Nabq Bay
Delicious goldfish crackers and coral on light blue wooden table, flat lay. Space for text
Underwater life represented with goldfish crackers on light blue wooden table, flat lay

General information

Merulina ampliata, commonly known as Ridge Coral or Lettuce Coral, is a species of large polyp stony coral (LPS) that is popular among reef aquarium enthusiasts for its unique growth form and attractive appearance. This coral exhibits a plating and tiered growth pattern that resembles the folds of lettuce or the ridges of a brain coral, giving it a distinct and appealing look in the reef tank.

The Ridge Coral is found in a variety of colors, ranging from pale greens to vibrant purples, and its surface is often textured with intricate ridges and valleys. It is a hardy species that can adapt to a range of lighting conditions, making it a versatile choice for different aquarium setups.


75 to 200 PAR
S.G. 1.023 to 1.026
22 to 26 °C (72 to 79 °F)
pH 7.8 to 8.4
Care level
Moderate to easy Sensitive to water quality.
Moderate Prefers moderate, indirect flow.


  1. Kingdom
  2. Phylum
  3. Class
  4. Order
    Stony Corals
  5. Family
    Merulinid Corals
  6. Genus
    Merulina Coral
  7. Species
    Crispy crust coral
    Merulina ampliata (Ellis & Solander, 1786)
  8. Synonyms
    Agaricia ampliata (Ellis & Solander, 1786)
    Madrepora ampliata Ellis & Solander, 1786
    Merulina ramosa Milne Edwards & Haime, 1851
    Merulina vaughani Van der Horst, 1921


Merulina ampliata requires moderate to high lighting and moderate water flow to thrive in captivity. It is important to provide stable water parameters, particularly calcium and alkalinity levels, to support its skeletal growth. This coral benefits from the addition of trace elements and occasional feeding of microplankton or other coral foods to enhance its growth and coloration.

While it is generally hardy, Ridge Coral can be sensitive to sudden changes in water quality. Regular water testing and maintenance are essential to ensure a healthy environment for this species.


Merulina ampliata does not have any specific symbiotic relationships that are notable in the context of reef aquariums. However, like many corals, it houses symbiotic zooxanthellae within its tissues, which provide the coral with nutrients through photosynthesis.


In the wild, Merulina ampliata is typically found in shallow reef environments, often in areas with strong water movement. It is distributed across the Indo-Pacific region, including the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and central and western Pacific Ocean. This coral prefers reef slopes and lagoons where it can receive ample light and water flow.